Research Interests
Research Interests
I study elliptic modular forms and focus on connections to quadratic fields and partition numbers. Broadly speaking, I'm interested in the interplay between analytic, combinatorial, and algebraic number theory that occurs in the study of modular forms, L-functions, partitions, and quadratic fields, and my research endeavors to push our understanding of the connections between these objects a little further.
Recent Publications
Scarcity of congruences for the partition function (with Scott Ahlgren and Martin Raum). Submitted. Link.
Non-holomorphic Ramanujan-type congruences for Hurwitz class numbers (with Martin Raum and Olav Richter). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS), 117 (2020), no. 36, 21953-21961. Link.
A zero density estimate and fractional imaginary parts of zeros for GL(2) L-functions (with D. Liu, J. Thorner, and A. Zaharescu). Submitted. Link.
Department of Mathematics
411 Gibson Hall
Tulane University
New Orleans